APGS membership is open to all glaucoma specialists, ophthalmologists, eye care health professionals, doctors with an interest in glaucoma/ophthalmology, researchers in glaucoma, and any incorporated association wishing to support the objectives of the Society.
Become a member of APGS now! Open to all glaucoma specialists, ophthalmologists, eye care health professionals, doctors, researchers, and incorporated associations.

APGS Membership is available under the following categories on payment of an annual membership fee:
- Glaucoma Member – any ophthalmologist in active practice who has completed a Glaucoma Fellowship and/or whose work consists of at least 50% glaucoma. Prospective glaucoma members must supply a one page CV or a short biography, in addition to the form signed by the proposer/seconder. Thus, Glaucoma membership must be approved by the Board before it is confirmed.
- Ophthalmic Member – any doctor working as an ophthalmologist in the country of residence of that doctor
- Corporate Member – any incorporated association wishing to support the objects of the Society
- Digital Community Member - all allied professionals: any medical practitioner participating in an ophthalmic vocational training program, any medical practitioner with an interest in glaucoma, any person who is a vision scientist, any person who is an eye care working who is not a medical practitioner.
- A registration discount to attend the Asia-Pacific Glaucoma Congress while your membership remains valid
- Access to APGS online education platform with recordings of APGS webinar series and surgical videos
- APGS quarterly newsletter
- Access to APGS Online Communities to network and advance a specific area of knowledge
- Free online access to the Journal of Glaucoma
- Right to participate in the electoral process and the various committees of the APGS
- Right to participate in the collaborative activities of the APGS with international affiliate societies and ophthalmic communities
- Exciting and valuable professional networking opportunities
- Eligibility for awards and recognition